

My future project will help bridge
the gap between Japanese scholars
and the rest of the world.

アーノルド ウェイン E.
Wayne E.Arnold 准教授

arnold 准教授


My research concerns the American author Henry Miller and his relationship with Japan. While Miller may not be famous in Japan today, during the 1960s and 1970s, he was hugely popular due to his marriage to the jazz singer Hoki Tokuda ホキ徳田. Miller also held strong feelings for Japan. This research is appealing since this conncetion between Miller and Japan has never been explored. Through field research, I have been able to discover 100s of Miller’s letters here in Japan. All of these elements help reveal a closer connection between artists in America and Japan.



This interest in Japan and Henry Miller began when I was doing archival research on Miller at the University of California, Los Angeles. I was surprised to see so many letters to Miller from Japanese people. When I returned to Japan, I discovered that there was the Henry Miller Society of Japan 日本ヘンリー?ミラー協会 and with the help of Professor Emeritus Honda Yasunori 本田康典 I was able to begin my detailed research on Miller and Japan.



The current stage of my research is writing a book on Henry Miller and Japan. After completed, I will begin creating an overview of the trends and shifts in the academic research on Henry Miller. Since I am the first Western scholar to examine the extensive Japanese research on Miller, I will be able to incorporate the trends in Japanese research. No Western scholars have approached the vast material concerning Miller and Japan due to the language barrier. This future project will help bridge the gap between Japanese scholars and the rest of the world.



In the seminar we explore the ideas behind the American Dream, focusing on New York City as a key location in the pursuit of the American Dream. In the first speech of his presidential campaign, Donald Trump claimed that “sadly, the American Dream is dead!” There are varying goals within the American Dream and our task is to determine what is this dream and if this dream is still alive. Key areas that will be examined include consumerism, urban environments, and American identity. The end goal of this seminar is to help broaden your perspective and understanding of American individuality while also providing the opportunity to contrast the national identities of the United States and Japan.



Students seem to gain a strong understanding of American cultural identity through this seminar. I really enjoy helping students grow in their understanding of the American Dream and how greatly it impacts the American culture and identity. We use many types of literature to help gain a solid understanding of the American people.



I really enjoy camping and hiking. Japan is a wonderful place to spend time outdoors. On the weekends, I do projects around my house (DIY) and enjoy being outdoors. One of my favorite accomplishments is having completed the Shikoku Henro by camping and hiking.




Originally from New Jersey, United States, I was homeschooled until I entered university. This type of schooling provided me with opportunities and experiences that I would not have had in the typical classroom. After graduating from university with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, I worked for two years as a design engineer and also earned an MBA. However, engineering work was not for me. So, I decided to completely change my life by joining the United States Peace Corps volunteer program. I lived for two years in the Kingdom of Tonga; there, I made many JICA friends who encouraged me to work in Japan. When the volunteer experience was over, I traveled through many countries for nine months and then returned to America to study for a master’s degree in American literature. After graduating, I spent one year in Tokyo as an English teacher, but quickly returned to America to earn a PhD in American Literature as well as another master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). I then spent one summer teaching at Harvard University in Boston before returning to Japan to teach at Kansai Gaidai University 関西外国語大学. It was after these experiences that I came to join the Department of Foreign Studies at the University of Kitakyushu.

アメリカ、ニュージャージー州出身です。大学に入学するまでは自宅で教育を受けてきました。そのような教育の機会と経験を通じて、典型的な教室以外で過ごすことができました。電気工学の学位を取得して大学を卒業した後は、2年間デザインエンジニアとして働き、MBAの学位を取得しました。しかしながら、エンジニアの仕事は自分には合っていないと感じ、平和部隊のボランティアに参加し、大きく自分の人生を変えようと決心しました。トンガ王国に2年間滞在し、そこで多くのJAICA(独立行政法人国際協力機構)の友人を得ることができました。その友人が日本で働くことを勧めてくれました。ボランティアが終わった後は、9ヶ月間様々な国を旅して回り、アメリカに帰国し、修士課程でアメリカ文学を研究しました。修士課程を卒業後1年間英語教師として東京で過ごしましたが、アメリカ文学の博士とTESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)の学位を取得するために、すぐにアメリカに帰国しました。その後ボストンにあるハーバード大学のサマースクールで教え、その後日本に戻って関西外国語大学で教鞭をとり、現在、北九州市立大学英米学科で教えています。


外国語学部Faculty of
Foreign Studies

  • 英米学科 雪丸 尚美 准教授
  • 英米学科 Wayne E.Arnold 准教授
  • 中国学科 武井 満幹 教授
  • 国際関係学科 大平 剛 教授
  • 国際関係学科 北 美幸 教授