原口 昭/ハラグチ アキラ/Akira Haraguchi
所属 | 【学部】環境生命工学科 【大学院】環境システム専攻 バイオシステムコース |
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役職/職名 | 教授 | |
学位(授与機関) | 1992年9月 京都大学大学院理学研究科植物学専攻博士課程修了 博士(理学)(京都大学) 理学修士(京都大学) 工学修士(京都大学) |
担当科目 | 学部講義 生態学 生物学 生態工学 環境保全技術実習 環境化学プロセス演習VI 卒業研究 大学院講義 生態系管理学 生態系管理学特論 特別研究 |
略歴 | 北海道大学農学部附属演習林助手 北海道大学農学部講師 新潟大学理学部助教授 ブランデンブルク工科大学研究員 |
専門分野 | 環境科学 生態学 土壌学 環境化学分析 |
1) Hiroshi Hada, Ryotaro Hanawa, Akira Haraguchi and Yoshiro Yonezawa (1985) Preparation of the J aggregate of cyanine dyes by means of the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 89 (No.4 February): 560-562.
2) 塙良太郎?米沢義朗?原口昭?大野雅史?羽田宏 (1988) 長鎖アルキル基を持たないシアニン色素ーアラキン酸単分子膜集合体におけるJ-凝集体形成の条件 (An examination of the conditions to prepare monolayer assemblies incorporating cyanine dyes without long alkyl chaines) 日本写真学会誌, 51 (No.5 October): 364-374.
3) Akira Haraguchi, Yoshiro Yonezawa and Ryotaro Hanawa (1990) Spectral sensitization of SnO2 thin film electrode by the J-aggregate of cyanine dyes in monolayers. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 52 (No.2 August): 307-313.
4) Akira Haraguchi and Kiyoshi Matsui (1990) Nutrient dynamics in a floating mat and pond system with special reference to its vegetation. Ecological Research, 5 (No.1 April): 63-79.
5) Akira Haraguchi (1991) Effect of flooding-drawdown cycle on vegetation in a system of floating peat mat and pond. Ecological Research, 6 (No.3 December): 247-263.
6) Akira Haraguchi (1991) Effects of water-table oscillation on redox property of peat in a floating mat. Journal of Ecology, 79 (No.4 December): 1113-1121.
7) Akira Haraguchi (1992) Seasonal change in redox property of peat and its relation to vegetation in a system of floating mat and pond. Ecological Research, 7 (No.3 December): 205-212.
8) Akira Haraguchi (1993) Phenotypic and phenological plasticity of an aquatic macrophyte Menyanthes trifoliata L. Journal of Plant Research, 106 (No.1081 March): 31-35.
9) Akira Haraguchi (1995) Seasonal changes in oxygen consumption rate and redox property of floating peat in a pond in Central Japan. Wetlands, 15 (No.3 September): 242-246.
10) Akira Haraguchi (1996) Effect of pH on photosynthesis of five Sphagnum species in mires in Ochiishi, Northern Japan. Wetlands, 16 (No.1 March): 10-14.
11) Akira Haraguchi (1996) Rhizome growth of Menyanthes trifoliata L. in a population on a floating peat mat in Mizorogaike Pond, central Japan. Aquatic Botany, 53 (No.3-4 April): 163-173.
12) Hideo Tomizawa, Masae Oikawa, Fumihiko Nishio and Akira Haraguchi (1997) Chemical modification of rain water by Alnus japonica wetland forest in Kiritapp Mire, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Forest Research, 3 (No.3): 189-192.
13) Kanta Kuramochi, Akira Haraguchi, Osamu Nagata, and Ryusuke Hatano. (1999) Effects of microtopography on fruit production of strawberry, Fragaria chiloensis Duch. var. ananassa Bailey. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, 69(No.1 February): 17-25.
14) Akira Haraguchi (1999) Seed production of Menyanthes trifoliata inside and outside a Phragmites australis canopy. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University,69(No.1 February): 27-30.
15) Akira Haraguchi, Maki Shibasaki, Masato Noda, Hideo Tomizawa, and Fumihiko Nishio. (1999) Climatic factors influencing the tree-ring growth of Alnus japonica in Kiritapp Mire, northern Japan. Wetlands, 19(No.1 March): 100-105
16) Akira Haraguchi, Shigeru Uemura and Kazuo Yabe (2000). Effects of nutrient loadings from dairy farms on Asajino mire, a small coastal ombrotrophic mire in northernmost Japan. Ecological Research, 15 (No.1 March) 107-112.
17) Akira Haraguchi, Sawahiko Shimada and Hideniri Takahashi (2000) Distribution of Peat and its Chemical Properties around Lahei in the Catchment of the Mangkutup River, Central Kalimantan. TROPICS, 10 (No.2): 265-272.
18) Sawahiko Shimada, Hidenori Takahashi, Akira Haraguchi & Masami Kaneko (2001) The carbon content characteristics of tropical peats in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia: estimating their spatial variability in density. Biogeochemistry, 53 (No.3): 249-267.
19) Akira Haraguchi, Hisaya Kojima, Chiaki Hasegawa, Yukari Takahashi and Tsutomu Iyobe (2002) Decomposition of organic matter in peat soil in a minerotrophic mire. European Journal of Soil Biology. 38 (No.1) 89-94
20) Akira Haraguchi and Kazuo Yabe (2002) Vertical and horizontal distribution of redox potential of soil in wetland forests in Lahei, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. TROPICS 11 (No. 2) 91-100
21) Akira Haraguchi, Tomoko Hasegawa, Tsutomu Iyobe and Hiroki Nishijima(2003) The pH dependence of photosynthesis and elongation of Sphagnum squarrosum and S. girgensohnii in the Picea glehnii mire forest in Cape Ochiishi, north-eastern Japan. Aquatic Ecology 37 (No. 1) 101-104
22) Akira Haraguchi, Tsutomu Iyobe, Hiroki Nishijima and Hideo Tomizawa (2003) Acid and sea salt distribution in coastal peat mires with Picea glehnii forest in Ochiishi, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. WETLANDS 23 (No. 2 June) 229-235
23) Hiroki Nishijima, Tsutomu Iyobe, Fumihiko Nishio, Hideo Tomizawa, Makoto Nakata and Akira Haraguchi (2003) Site selectivity of Picea glehnii forest on the Syunkunitai sand dune, north-eastern Japan. WETLANDS 23 (No. 2, June) 406-415.
24) Tsutomu Iyobe, Akira Haraguchi, Hiroki Nishijima, Hideo Tomizawa, and Fumihiko Nishio (2003) Effect of fog on sea salt deposition on peat soil in boreal Picea glehnii forests in Ochiishi, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Ecological Research 18 (No. 5, September) 587-597.
25) Akira Haraguchi, Chiaki Hasegawa, Akiko Hirayama and Hisaya Kojima (2003) Decomposition activity of peat soils in geogenous mires in Sasakami, central Japan. European Journal of Soil Biology 39 (No. 4 October-December) 191-196.
26) 伊豫部勉?原口昭?西尾文彦?小林俊一 (2003) 北海道東部の泥炭地集水域からの流出水の水質と泥炭土壌凍結との関係 雪氷(日本雪氷学会誌)65 365-376
27) Shiro Tsuyuzaki, Akira Haraguchi & Fusayuki Kanda (2004) Effect of scale-dependent factors on herbaceous vegetation patterns in a wetland, northern Japan, with reference to water depth. Ecological Research 19 (No. 3) 349-355.
28) Akira Haraguchi (2004) Seasonal changes in redox properties of peat, nutrition and phenology of Menyanthes trifoliata L. in a floating peat mat in Mizorogaike pond, central Japan. Aquatic Ecology 38: 351-357
29) Keisuke Michiki, Akira Haraguchi, Takashi Kadono, Tomonori Kawano, Kohji Nakazawa, Syouhei Nishihama, Takuya Suzuki, Kazuya Uezu, Yuko Yahata and Kazuharu Yoshizuka (2005) Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Water Chemical Environments of the Ongagawa River, northern Kyushu Island, Japan. Environmental Science 18 (No. 4) 339-348.
30) Akira Haraguchi, Midori Akioka and Sawahiko Shimada (2005) Does pyrite oxidation contribute to the acidification of tropical peat? ― a case study in a peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 71 (No.1):101-108
31) Tsutomu Iyobe and Akira Haraguchi (2005) Seasonal frost peat and outflowing stream-water chemistry in ombrogenous mires in Ochiishi, Eastern Hokkaido, Japan. WETLANDS 25 (No.2) 449-461.
32) 浅田太郎?原口昭 (2006) インドネシア共和国中央カリマンタン州におけるハリミズゴケの1変種Sphagnum cuspidatum subsp. subrecurvum var. flaccidifolium (A. Johnson) A. Eddyの新産地 蘚苔類研究(Bryol. Res.) 9(3):87-88
33) Akira Haraguchi, Midori Akioka, Sawahiko Shimada and Tsutomu Iyobe (2006) Factors acidifying peat in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. TROPICS 15(3):397-401
34) Akira Haraguchi, Suwido H. Limin, and Untung Darung (2007) Water chemistry of Sebangau River and Kahayan River in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. TROPICS 16(2):123-130
35) Akira Haraguchi (2007) Effect of sulfuric acid discharge on the river water chemistry in peat swamp forests in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Limnology Vol.8 175-182.
36) Akira Haraguchi (2007) The photosynthesis of Sphagnum. ITE Letters on Batteries, New Technologies & Medicine, Vol. 8, No. 4 75-82
37) Akira Haraguchi, Yulintine Liwat, Linda Wulandari, Imar Ardianor, Yurenfrie, Tris Liana, Tri Septiani, Sepmiarna Welsiana (2008) Water utilization by local inhabitants responding to seasonal changes in water quality of river water in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. TROPICS 17(1) 87-95.
38) Syouhei Nishihama, Akira Haraguchi, Tomonori Kawano, Keisuke Michiki, Kohji Nakazawa, Takuya Suzuki, Kazuya Uezu, Kazuharu Yoshizuka (2008) Seasonal Changes in the Microbial Population of the Water Column and Sediments of the Ongagawa River, Northern Kyushu, Japan. Limnology 9(1) 35-45.
39) Nishimura. A, Tsuyuzaki. S and Haraguchi. A (2008) A chronosequence approach detecting revegetation patterns after Sphagnum-peat mining, northern Japan.Ecological Research DOI10.1007/s11284-008-0499-8
40) Tsutomu Iyobe and Akira Haraguchi (2008) Ion flux from precipitation to peat soil in spruce forest-Sphagnum bog communities in Ochiishi district, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Limnology (in press)
Toshihiko Hara and Akira Haraguchi, "Phenotypic responses of plants to environmental conditions" International symposium on vegetational structure, Utrecht, The Netherlands 14-18 July 1987.
Akira Haraguchi "Peat Redox Property and Vegetation" XV International Botanical Congress, Yokohama, Japan 28 August -3 September, 1993.
Akira Haraguchi "Seasonal changes in oxygen consumption rate and redox property of soil and their relationship to wetland vegetation" INTECOL's V International Wetlands Conference, Perth, Australia 22-28 September, 1996.
Akira Haraguchi "Soil chemical property on wetland forests in Northern Japan" International Workshop on Environmental Management of Wetland Ecosystem in South East Asia, Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, 6 - 9 August, 1997
Akira Haraguchi, Tsutomu Iyobe, Hiroki Nishijima and Hideo Tomizawa "Chmical properties of peat in wetland forests of Northern Japan" VII International Congress of Ecology, Florence, Italy 19-25 July, 1998.
Tsutomu Iyobe and Akira Haraguchi "Mechanism of sea salt transport by fog and its effects on matter dynamics in wetlands" VII International Congress of Ecology, Florence, Italy 19-25 July, 1998.
Hiroki Nishijima and Akira Haraguchi "Factors determining the community boundary between Picea glehnii and Abies sacharinensis forests on sand dunes at Syunkunitai, Northern Japan" VII International Congress of Ecology, Florence, Italy 19-25 July, 1998.
Sawahiko Shimada, Hidenori Takahashi, Masami Kaneko and Akira Haraguchi "The estimation of carbon resource of a tropical peatland in Central Kalimantan" International Symposium on Tropical Peatland Management, Indonesia, November, 1999.
Akira Haraguchi, Sawahiko Shimada, Midori Akioka, Kazuo Yabe and Hidenori Takahashi "Chemical property of peat pore water in Central Kalimantan with special reference to vertical profile" International Symposium on Tropical Peatland Management, Indonesia, November, 1999.
Akira Haraguchi, Tsutomu Iyobe, Hiroki Nishijima and Hideo Tomizawa "Acid and salt accumulation in peat in the coastal Picea glehnii peat forest at the Ochiishi Mires in eastern Hokkaido, north-eastern Japan" Symposium: Plants and Organisms in Stressed Wetland Environments INTECOL's VI International Wetlands Conference. Quebec, Canada, August,2000.
Hiroki Nishijima, Akira Haraguchi, Tsutomu Iyobe and Hideo Tomizawa "Distribution structure of coastal forest and influence of sea-salt at Syunkunitai Sand Dune, northern Japan." INTECOL's VI International Wetlands Conference. Quebec, Canada, August,2000.
Tsutomu Iyobe, Hiroki Nishijima, Akira Haraguchi, Hideo Tomizawa and Fumihiko Nishio "Effect of fog-mediated sea salt transport on nutrient dynamics of Picea glehnii bogs in northern Japan." INTECOL's VI International Wetlands Conference. Quebec, Canada, August,2000.
Midori AKIOKA, Sawahiko SHIMADA & Akira HARAGUCHI (2001) Chemical properties of peat pore water in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia with special reference to its acidification process. 3rd Asian Symposium on Engineering Geology and the Environment, Jogyakarta, Inonesia, 3-6 September 2001.
Akira HARAGUCHI, Tsutomu IYOBE, Hiroki NISHIJIMA, & Hideo TOMIZAWA (2001) Process of acidification and increasing salinity of peat soil in a coastal Picea glehnii forest in Cape Ochiishi Mire, north-eastern Japan International Conference of Changing Wetlands: new developments in wetland science, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 11-13 September 2001.
Akira HARAGUCHI (2002) Vertical profile of chemical property and redox potential of peat and their relation to acidification process of tropical peat caused by the agricultural land use - classification of peat by the vertical chemical profile. International Workshop on Land-Use Change and Greenhouse Gases, Soil C and Nutrient Cycling in the Tropics. Tsukuba, Japan, 19-21 February 2002.
Akira HARAGUCHI1 & Midori AKIOKA Vertical profile of chemical property and redox potential of peat and their relation to acidification process of tropical peat caused by the agricultural land use. International Symposium of the IPS "Future Utilisation of Peatlands" Bremen, Germany 22 - 24 August 2002
Akira HARAGUCHI1, Midori AKIOKA & Sawahiko SHIMADA Acidification process of the tropical peat in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Land Management and Biodiversity in Southeast Asia, Bali, Indonesia 17-20 September 2002
Keisuke MICHIKI, Syouhei NISHIHAMA, Kohji NAKAZAWA, Takuya SUZUKI, Kazuya UEZU, Kazuharu YOSHIZUKA, and Akira HARAGUCHI Toward the exact monitoring of spatial and seasonal difference of water chemistry of the Ongagawa river basin and management of water quality. Asian Waterqual: International Water Association Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Bangkok, Thailand 20-22 October 2003
Syouhei NISHIHAMA, Keisuke MICHIKI, Kohji NAKAZAWA, Takuya SUZUKI, Kazuya UEZU, Kazuharu YOSHIZUKA, and Akira HARAGUCHI Monitoring of Biochemical Environments of the Ongagawa River, Northern Kyushu, Japan: an Preliminary Survey on the Seasonal Management of the River Water Quality by Means of the Biological Treatments. Asian Waterqual: International Water Association Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Bangkok, Thailand 20-22 October 2003
Akira Haraguchi & Tsutomu Iyobe Factors acidifing peat in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. 12th International Peat Congress, Tampere, Finland 6-11 June 2004.
Tsutomu Iyobe & Akira Haraguchi Sea salt deposition and its effects on peat and stream water chemistry in coastal mires in Ochiishi, north-eastern Japan. 12th International Peat Congress, Tampere, Finland 6-11 June 2004.
Akira Haraguchi Effect of pyrite oxidation on the chemistry of peat and river water in peat swamp in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. 7th INTECOL's International Wetland Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands, 25-30 July 2004.
Akira Haraguchi Analysis of wetland ecosystems and its application to environmental management and rehabilitation. Symposium on Environmental Protection in Korea. Chonju University, 11 November 2004.
Akira Haraguchi Environmental analysis and protection of wetland ecosystems: application to environmental management and rehabilitation. Workshop on Environmental Chemistry in Faculty of Chemistry, Chunboku University. Chunboku University, 12 November 2004.
Akira Haraguchi Rehabilitation of acid sulfate soil in peat swamp in Central Kalimantan: a proposal from ecological engineering as an environmental biotechnology. Indonesian Biotechnology Conference. Bali, 1-3 December 2004.
Akira Haraguchi Effect of agricultural land development of peat swamp on the limnological environment in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. International Workshop on Human Dimension under Global Environmental Changes. Bogor, 8-9 December 2004.
Akira Haraguchi Impact of acid sulfate soil on river water chemistry in tropical peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia IV International Ecological Congress (90th American Ecological Society Annual Meeting) Montreal, 7-12 August 2005.
Akira Haraguchi Study on the pH dependence of photosynthesis of Sphagnum spp. 2nd International Workshop on Environmental and Metabolic Biochemistry of Plants and Microorganisms, Xiamen, 25-27 September 2005.
Akira Haraguchi Sulfuric acid discharge from peat swamp forests and its effect on the river water chemistry in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Society of Wetland Scientists 27th International Conference, Cairns, 9-14 July 2006.
Akira Haraguchi, Yulintine Liwat, Linda Wulandari, Imar Ardianor, Yurenfrie, Tris Liana, Tri Septiani, Sepmiarna Welsiana Water utilization by local inhabitants responding to seasonal changes in water chemistry of river water polluted with sulfuric acid in Central Kalimantan. International Symposium on Nature and Land Management of Tropical Peat Land in South East Asia, Bogor, Indonesia, 20-21 September 2006.
Sepmiarna Welsiana, Yulintine, Tri Septiani, Linda Wulandari , Trisliana, Yurenfrie, Suwido H. Limin and Akira Haraguchi Record of Macrozoobenthos from Sebangau River and Its tributaries in Central Kalimantan. International Symposium on Nature and Land Management of Tropical Peat Land in South East Asia, Bogor, Indonesia, 20-21 September 2006.
Yulintine, Sepmiarna Welsiana, Linda Wulandari , Tri Septiani, Trisliana, Yurenfrie, Jyrki Jauhiainen, Harri Vasander, Suwido H. Limin and Akira Haraguchi Monitoring of Macrobenthos Diversity in Peatland of Central Kalimantan. International Symposium on Nature and Land Management of Tropical Peat Land in South East Asia, Bogor, Indonesia, 20-21 September 2006.
Trisliana, Yurenfrie, Yulintine, Linda Wulandari , Sepmiarna Welsiana, Tri Septiani, Yuli Ruthena, Sulmin Gumiri, Suwido H. Limin, Jyrki Jauhiainen, Harri Vasander and Aira Haraguchi Plankton Communities in Tropical Peatland Ecosystem of Central Kalimantan. International Symposium on Nature and Land Management of Tropical Peat Land in South East Asia, Bogor, Indonesia, 20-21 September 2006.
Akira Haraguchi (2007) Sulfuric Acid Pollution of Aquatic Ecosystems in Tropical Peat Swamps - Production and Discharge of Sulfuric Acid and its Impact on Local Inhabitants. Japan-Taiwan Joint Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology: Environmental chemistry, bioscience and managements (February 4-7, 2007, Kitakyushu, Japan)
Akira Haraguchi (2007) Impact of Sulfuric Acid Pollution of Aquatic Ecosystems on Local Inhabitants in Tropical Peat Swamps. Society of Wetland Scientists 2007 International Conference (July 10-15, Sacramento, USA)
Yulintine, Linda Wulandari, Tri Septiani, Trisliana, Yurenfrie, Sepmiarna Welsiana, Suwido H. Limin, Jyrki Jauhiainen, Harri Vasander and Akira Haraguchi Density and biomass of chironomid larvae in a canal of tropical peat land of Central Kalimantan Indonesia. International Symposium and Workshop on Tropical Peatland. Yogyakarta, Indonesia on 27-31 August 2007.
Akira Haraguchi (2008) Biogeochemical function of tropical rain forest for land mamagement and its wise use (Keynote Lecture). 6th International Environmental Forum: Sustainable Management of Tropical Rainforest and Oil Palm Ecosystem. (March 10, University of Putra Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Akira Haraguchi (2008) Sulfuric acid contamination in peat swamp forests in Central Kalimantan. Symposium on Peat Swamp Forests. (March 11-12, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
日本陸水学会?日本生態学会?日本植物学会?日本土壌肥料学会?日本熱帯生態学会?植生学会?日本水環境学会?日本腐植物質学会?British Ecological Society?Society of Wetland Scientists?International Peat Society?International Association for Ecology